Professional skincare brand Alpha-H teams with The University of Queensland in a campaign to get Australians using SPF (correctly).

If you ever questioned whether your advice to clients about daily SPF is sound, a study by The University of Queensland proves that daily use of SPF not only helps prevent skin cancer, it’s also the most powerful anti-ageing product on the market today. (Makes you want to reach for the sunscreen right now, doesn’t it?)
To support The Queensland University’s skin cancer research projects and to help educate and create awareness around preventing sun-induced ageing and skin cancer, Australian professional skincare brand Alpha-H has created the #allaboutSPF campaign which includes a $2 donated from each Alpha-H sun care product sold.

“Every day I am asked about cosmetic solutions to sun ageing, with people wanting to erase the damage caused from years in the sun,” says Michelle Doherty, CEO at Alpha-H. “Along with The University of Queensland, Alpha-H wants to be part of the movement to educate Australians on preventing sun damage and ultimately skin cancer. This movement starts with daily sunscreen use.”
According to the Australian Medical Association in 2013 over 80 per cent of skin ageing and damage is caused by everyday sun exposure that occurs throughout the year and not just at the beach. Another frightening finding is that two thirds (66 per cent) of Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by age 70.

“Australia still has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world and melanoma is the most common cause of death in people under the age of 34,” says Josie Hackworth, deputy director of development at the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, The University of Queensland.
“While people’s behaviours are changing, there is still a huge amount of education and research into this area needed,” adds Josie Hackworth. “With the support from Alpha-H we are able to provide essential support to further crucial research that examines the treatment and prevention of skin cancer.”

What can we, as professionals look out for in terms of sunscreen pitfalls? Get clients to look at the use-by date. According to the Australian Medical Association, more than a third of people don’t know to check the use-by date on their sunscreen. Storage is also key. Two-thirds of people don’t understand that the effectiveness of sunscreen deteriorates when stored above 25 degrees – that includes letting it bake in the sun at the beach. Also let your clients know to get enough on their skin. Only 15 per cent of people are applying the recommended amount for effective protection. How much that is that? It’s a minimum of two tablespoons of sunscreen to cover the whole body.

As part of the #allaboutSPF campaign, Alpha-H has also released a series of videos to get us slapping on the white stuff (or, actually not so white, Alpha-H’s sun care formulations are infused with clinically-proven ingredients such as pomegranate and enzogenol, which won’t leave any greasy residue or whiteness on the skin).
Have your say: Do you recommend SPF to your clients?