I work as the Australian national trainer and key account managing consultant for Phyt’s Laboratories, which was created in 1972 by its founder, Jean-Paul Llopart, a French naturopath and biologist.
I believe the beauty industry is about to experience a fundamental shift whereby we will witness a move from traditional cosmetic and treatment protocols to a more holistic approach that addresses the body as a whole. Many people do not yet realise that breakthrough discoveries in the fields of biophysics, quantum biology and neurosciences are shattering previously held beliefs and assumptions, forever transforming our understanding of cellular life and therefore skin and ageing.
The body is made of 50 to 75 trillion cells; each of these cells is an independent and sentient unit that is communicating and responding to its environment via electromagnetic signals. We also know that a substantial amount of these cells make up the organ we call skin, our largest organ. The skin has a surface area of approximately two square metres, it protects your internal organs from the outside environment and it accounts for around 16 to 20 per cent of your body weight.
What that means is that holistically, we must consider our skin as a living, breathing, sentient community of cells, we must take into consideration its bio energetic relationship with other parts of the body systems and its bio-energetic relationship with the environment, be it light, sound, thoughts or emotions.
This understanding about our core relationship with everything that make up our lives and environment is shifting us to a whole new thinking paradigm; this shift in awareness is becoming obvious on the high end of the spectrum, were we witness the rise of a worldwide sub-culture of consumers that are environmentally aware, socially attuned and have a view of the world that takes into account personal, community and planetary outcomes. We are talking here about the influential LOHAS conscious consumer.
LOHAS stands for Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability, a socio-economic term used around the world to describe a type of consumer previously known as Cultural Creative. The LOHAS consumers represent a whole new sub-culture which is growing exponentially worldwide.
These conscious shoppers make trade-offs when choosing products and services, considering not just their own personal benefit but their impact on the community and planet. Nearly 4 million adult Australians (26 per cent of the adult population) are LOHAS-aligned.
Within the next five years, I believe this massive movement will stand alongside the advent of computers, the birth control pill and the explosion of the internet as iconic cultural shifts that transformed our existence. It will reinvent not only how consumers consume, but who they are. It is a global trend that is already and visibly influencing every company and nearly every brand.
A powerful window of opportunity for beauty salon owners lies in capturing the emerging planetary consciousness of every consumer.
It has been said many times that the goal of any business is to find out what their customers want and give it to them. Evidence suggests that an exponentially expanding customer base is demanding natural and organic skincare and services; and it is therefore each beauty salon’s challenge to adapt its business to meet those expectations and focus on delivering it at consistently high standard and profitability.
Our philosophy here at Phyt’s is to maintain health by achieving and maintaining balance for body, mind and spirit; we offer forward-thinking salon owners an opportunity to increase business profit while having a positive effect on the health and wellbeing of self, others and the environment.
The new paradigm of business is not just about financial success, but also about embracing new responsibilities in this time of change. By transforming their business to a holistic model, beauty salon owners will not only embrace the fundamental changes that are currently emerging in the wellness industry, but also transform their business so that it becomes an agent for positive change in their community.
Shifting from a traditional beauty salon business model to a more holistic model is actually easier than one may think and simply consists of creating coherence between every single facet of the business. Creating coherence in a consciously aware beauty salon business involves integrating and aligning the owner’s personal vision of a healthy future for all of earth’s inhabitants to a specifically defined business vision that mirrors the owner’s own, the staff vision that must align to the holistic nature of the business, the products used that must heal and nurture body, mind and spirit without harm to animals and the environment, marketing and advertising strategies that reflect a genuine relationship with LOHAS aligned consumers.
When a state of alignment and cooperation between all parts of a business entity is achieved, creative energy is accumulated – not wasted – leaving more energy to manifest a more harmonious outcome for all involved, including the business owner, employees, suppliers and customers.
These are the elements we explore in the context of our Phyt’s ‘Evolve Your Business, Consciously’ seminar and workshop series as well as our skincare product knowledge and business development training modules.
Isabelle Sennery
Contact: Phyt’s Australia 1300 656 627.