Tell us how you are coping in this changing environment?
Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations, what works for some might not work for others. I think it is important to keep up to date with news updates but I also think we need to take a break and do some fun things. So much about the coronavirus is outside of our control. Not just the virus itself, but all of the other aspects of life that have been impacted, from work, socializing, travel and finances. I think we need to give ourselves credit for coping with this tough time and recognize that dealing with this challenge can make you more resilient.

What strategies have you put in place to cope with the changing beauty industry?
What I have loved seeing is the industry supporting each other. As hard as things are, it can be comforting to know that you are not alone and that others have the same feelings as yourself. I think it is important that we reflect on what skills we have used in the past that helped us cope with uncertainty and focus on that. Learn a new skill whether that be meditation, some kind of art just something that will spark an interest.
Any advice to other businesses out there during this challenging time?
Have a strategy and a plan in place on how you will position your business. Now is a great time to make changes that you probably have wanted to make for a long time. Add new services “Boost your Thymus and Immune System”. Change something in the salon, it could be new waiting chairs or put the in a different area. Redesign the reception area, paint the salon. Plan your opening event. You obviously cannot have a date but you can plan it so when you can reopen you are ready to launch “the new you”. Take time out for further education. But above all look after your well being, stay safe, exercise and get out outside in the garden.
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