Australasian Integrative & Aesthetics Workshop 2012

2012 marks the 6th annual AustralAsian Academy of Anti-Ageing Medicine Conference together with the AustralAsian Integrative & Aesthetics Workshop sponsored by APAN (Aesthetic Practitioners Advisory Network).

The AustralAsian Integrative & Aesthetics Workshop educates aestheticians and allied health professionals on the fundamental pillars of anti-ageing medicine together with advances in the latest aesthetic techniques, enabling delegates to integrate health protocols into their aesthetic business for a holistic approach to the clients’ wellness.

APAN CEO, Tina Viney said the ongoing association between A5M and APAN would ensure that Australian Aestheticians are at the forefront of advances in anti-ageing medicine and will enable aestheticians to truly become an integral part of the evolution of healthcare to a preventative health model.

“The progressive aesthetician is at the forefront of rejuvenation and recognised the value and importance of being primed to integrate the latest anti-ageing principles into their practice to achieve better treatment outcomes. There results can substantially be enhanced through a more credible approach that incorporates inner wellness principles as will be presented at this workshop”, said Ms Viney.

According to A5M general manager, Helen Anton, “The launch of the Australian Government’s National Preventative Health Agency (ANPHA) which comes into full operation in 2012 signals the need for all practitioners to review their approach to servicing clients and to adopt a preventative approach”.

“The A5M/APAN alliance through The AustralAsian Integrative & Aesthetics Workshop will provide world-class training on how to achieve integration of anti-ageing into aesthetic businesses.

“A5M’s aim is to educate practitioners on the frontline of patient care about to support a preventative approach to health and beauty, be they in aesthetic or internal wellness practices.

“APAN is the most highly respected aesthetic organisations, which is committed to continuing education, as is A5M.

"We are proud to have an ongoing association with APAN and look forward to another successful workshop,” said Ms Anton.

All delegates will receive a Certificate of Attendance which will count as an elective of The AustralAsian Certification in Anti-Ageing Medicine. This certification program provides an in-depth clinical education on how to incorporate anti-ageing medicine into treatment protocols.

Workshop objectives: Learn the basics of Anti-Ageing & Aesthetic Medicine.

Anti-Ageing Medicine & Longevity – An Introduction
– Understanding pathways to ageing and the impact on internal & aesthetic health
– Hormones, issues and the effects on the skin and weight

Affects of Nutrition and Detoxification on the Ageing Process
– Understanding and managing Nutrition for optimum Internal & Aesthetic health
– Detoxification, toxicity and the effects on the ageing process

Metabolic Disorders and the Ageing Process
– Obesity, weight loss treatments & protocols; cardiovascular disorders and the effects on the ageing process.

Anti-Ageing & Aesthetics
– Cosmetic Chemistry & advances in Ingredient formulations
– Best Practice & Techniques for Dermal Fillers & Relaxers

Build your business with Anti-Ageing Medicine
– Proven Business & Marketing strategies for your Business

7 x 45-minute lecture segments will present the pillars of anti-ageing practice (as mentioned above) through a dynamic world-class educational program. Delegates will gain the latest information and tools to stay at the forefront of their profession and be able to offer enhanced treatment outcomes at a higher level as well as insight into how to benefit their businesses.

Who should attend?

Aestheticians & beauty therapists
Dermal clinicians and paramedicals
Practice managers
Nurse practitioners
Cosmetic & plastic surgeons assistants
Spa therapists and managers

For more information or to register visit

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