The Most Unforgivable Beauty Mistakes

It’s time to get your clients to scrub up on their at-home beauty regimes and avoid making these near fatal beauty mistakes…

A big part of our job as beauty therapists, simply put, is fixing our clients’ mistakes.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not for a second suggesting any beauty therapist worth her weight in exfoliator doesn’t love, if not cherish, her clients, but their seemingly harmless beauty gaffes can lead to many, many needless sessions of serious skin rectification.

So to make life a lot easier for all parties involved, here’s three of the worst offending beauty blunders you should put a (gently worded) stop to, right now…

1. Going to bed in makeup


This beauty fail is so sinful, it will actually make you want to grab your client by the shoulders, shake them violently and cry, “Whhhhhyyyyy?!!” but take comfort, the damage chronic makeup sleepers inflict on their skin can be easily undone with a positive nudge in the right direction. The best way to fix this issue? Educate your clients on the impact this seemingly innocent misjudgement can have on their complexion, and offer them some quick and easy pre-bed cleansing alternatives as an incentive. Though they’re not ideal, time poor clients can reach for facial wipes in a snap.

2. Squeezing zits


A client digging their nails into their own zits at home in front of the mirror, left to their own devices, is a recipe for disaster. As every therapist knows, this simple mistake can inflict micro-tearing, inflammation and, most importantly, spreading of bacteria – leading to the formation of more acne and a viscous cycle ensuing. If you suspect your client has a habit of picking at their face, gently remind them of the risks, and if they still won’t stop, advise them to at least reduce the risks by using cotton buds on freshly cleansed, warm skin fresh from the shower, using gentle pressure and focusing on white-headed papules only.

3. Peeling off nail polish


We all know the clients that do this. They come in for their manis with beaten up digits that look like they’ve been attacked with a chisel. While a tempting habit for clients who like to ‘pick’ at things, peeling off polish can cause damage to the nail bed and drastically shorten the life of your handiwork, so remind them of this, and if they still keep at it, ask them to replace the habit by instead massaging a soothing cuticle cream in every time they feel the urge to get at those digits.

Have your say: What are the worst client beauty gaffes you see in your salon?


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