4 easy steps to up your wax room game

Waxing might not be every client’s idea of a relaxing treatment, but you can help them chill out and feel pampered by giving your wax room a little TLC.

Adding scented candles to your wax room can lift the mood.
Adding scented candles to your wax room can lift the mood.


Keep things clean

We’ve all been told not to judge a book by its cover, but we also know that clients will judge us, hard, from the minute they step into the salon. Make your first impression a good one by keeping things in tiptop shape and sparkling clean.

Stock your wax room with fresh, clean towels, ensure the bins are emptied regularly (before each new client is best), and give everything a good wipe down with antibacterial spray. Not only will your waxing clients appreciate the hygienic appearance of your salon, you’ll have peace of mind that there are no nasties lurking.


Add some sound

Not every client wants to make awkward small talk while you’re dealing with their most intimate areas, so consider adding a little music into the mix. Think about what kind of sound will work best for your salon – would your clients enjoy calming waves or are they a gentle acoustic crowd?

A word of warning though: make sure you’ve got the right licences so you’re not playing music illegally. Although it might not seem like a big deal, a Sydney salon was taken to court in 2012 and ordered to pay about $59,000 in court costs and fines for playing music in public without a licence!

Even with the licence fees (which you can learn more about here), using Spotify in your business is illegal. So what’s the alternative? Spa Sounds has licence-free music you can pay to download or StorePlay offers an app-based music subscription for businesses. You can also opt-in to have storePlay manage your licencing fees, so you don’t have to worry.


There are some great salon apps to give your wax room some relaxing tunes.
There are some great salon apps to give your wax room some relaxing tunes.


Great scents

Now you’ve got the eyes and ears covered, give a little love to your clients’ noses by keeping things smelling delicious. Scents like vanilla, frankincense and chamomile are comforting fragrances that will relax clients in a few breaths. Try putting a few drops of essential oil into a diffuser or place a scented candle in your wax room to create a welcoming atmosphere. Don’t go overboard though – you don’t want to gas anyone!

If you’re not keen on introducing scents through a candle or diffuser, scented wax is another option. Fragrances like as strawberry and French vanilla will make your clients feel like they’re getting an extra-special service.


Focus on you

Ok, so your client (and their various hairy bits) should be your main focus, but take the time to focus on you as well. Even on hectic days with back-to-back appointments, take a breath between each client to stop you feeling too stressed or overwhelmed. Your mood can rub off on a client so it’s important that you’re calm and happy before diving into that wax pot.


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