Men Think Skincare Is Only For Women

Nearly 20 per cent of men say skincare is secret women’s business.


We all know men are becoming more interested in all things beauty. Botox, waxing, wearing makeup—you name it, guys are doing it. But with more male clients attending salons than ever before, you might be surprised to learn that only a small number use skincare products.

According to the 2015 Men’s Grooming Consumer Report from global information company The NPD Group, while 80 per cent of men use grooming products, only 22 per cent are giving their skin the attention it deserves.

Karen Grant, NPD Group global beauty industry analyst, says that although the majority of men are dedicated to a grooming and hair care regime, they don’t see the need for skin products because a) they don’t have any problems with their skin, b) they’re not interested in skincare and c) they think facial products are for women.

zoolander gif
Because we can’t resist a Zoolander beauty quote. Source:

While we’re struggling with this info—doesn’t everyone want beautiful skin?!—Grant says this is good for the beauty industry as it means there is a huge market that hasn’t yet been tapped into.

“[There is a] potential billion dollar opportunity in mobilising men to adopt facial skincare,” she says.

With many salon brands already producing products aimed at men, it’s important for therapists to inform and educate male clients about the benefits of maintaining a skincare regime between treatments.

This means understanding the different ways men and women view skincare, so you can tailor your approach in the salon.

“Women see problems in their skin, but most men don’t. From childhood, males are taught the importance of grooming their hair but, other than cleansing, not their face. For most men, facial care is not introduced until they are already adults, and often as a problem-solution type of product.”

Among men who already use skincare products, millennials—those aged 18-34—lead the way. These switched on men look for products and treatments that provide benefits including minimising pores, reducing oiliness and treating acne.

Have your say: Do you think men and women approach skincare differently?

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