Sothys on YouTube Education

Sothys Paris brings education online with Australian YouTube channel and video training.


Who knew YouTube could be used for things other than cat videos and fail compilations? Sothys Paris utilises this mass audience platform in bringing education material to their therapists and salons. Training and education is key when it comes to beauty therapy, but sitting in hour-long training sessions can be static, uninspiring and unproductive when the therapist’s mind is elsewhere.

“All Sothys modules embrace a ‘give and receive’ philosophy in order to put into practice all that has been absorbed in the presentation, encouraging therapists to learn new techniques and share feedback with other trainees to help improve their massage methods and skin knowledge. YouTube helps by presenting them with accessible resources that they can share with one another,” said Sandi Daley, Sothys Australia training manager.

YouTube training is cost-effective as it only requires the training session to be conducted once – therapists can view and participate anywhere around the world and at any given time. They can also refresh their knowledge later and ask questions in the comments.

As well as training, Sothys Australia uploads promotional video content. Training videos on treatment procedures can also be used as promotional material as it informs the client on the different treatments available.

“Many Sothys salons who use Facebook as their platform for communicating with their clients share videos that might be relevant for a particular promotion. An example of this is Sothys Oxygenating Seasonal Treatments, which are released twice a year in spring/summer and autumn/winter,” Sandi said.

Sothys outsources the production of their videos with an IT company in France, “Raphael Ricahrd, the director, has worked in Australia for a number of years and understands the culture and point of difference needed to communicate with Australian spas and salons,” said Sandi.

Visit the Sothys Australia YouTube channel here.
For more information on Sothys, visit 

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