Every tan technician worth her weight in tan extender knows the importance of applying and maintaining a tan correctly. Any variation from the rules, and you’ve got a recipe for looking like a streaky Oompa Loompa.
Clearly, someone forgot to tell these guys the tanning commandments…
1. Thou shall not neglect to apply tan to key areas, like around the eyes.

2. And entire limbs.

3. Thou shall know the difference between ‘golden’ and ‘orange’.

4. Thou shall not fight with thy boyfriend after a spray tan.

5. Thou shall seek help when things get out of control.

6. Even application is a MUST.

7. Like, really.

8. Really.

9. Thou shall embrace the art of exfoliation.

10. Thou shalt not attempt to tamper with a fresh spray tan.

11. Directly before a spray tan is not a good time to forget where you left your glasses.

12. And above all else, thou shall remember that, if one suffers an epic fake tan fail, they shall hide the evidence, at all costs.

Have your say: What’s the worst fake tan disaster a client has ever come to you with?