Beauty experts examine staff motivation

The second Professional Beauty Industry Roundtable focused on staff motivation, both as a salon owner and supplier.

Eight key contributors graciously shared ideas to illuminate important issues faced by the beauty industry, specifically how to increase productivity, reduce staff turnover, and how to best maintain and reward top performers, while gathered at The Old Clare Hotel, Chippendale.

In attendance was Tina Copland from Jax Wax Australia,  Kelly Dermody from Ivy Skin,  Cameron Campbell from  Marque of Brands, Stacey Manning from Malibu Spray,  Roman Garai from Advanced Beauty Australia, Suzana Ruzinov from Swissotel Spa, Rory Houston from Linda Meredith Skincare and Gillian Adams from Gillian Adams Salon & Spa.


Together, our thought leaders tackled five questions that covered company culture, leadership and management, staff retention and loyalty, education and training and work/life balance.

Our participants offered a comprehensive look into the burning issues transforming the professional beauty industry by sharing their expertise to this accumulation of wisdom regarding salons, suppliers, staff, educators, training, communication mentoring and motivation.

We can’t wait to share these findings with you in our next series of videos,  and are confident you’ll get as much out of these educational dialogues as we did.

Stay tuned for more with our videos being released this month and a full editorial wrap-up in the Nov/Dec edition of Professional Beauty.

In the meantime, to see all the action captured from the first Industry Roundtable,

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