DMK Australia was awarded the prestigious title of top-seller at a recent ceremony.
DMK Australia has been honoured with the highly regarded award of number one in sales for 2014. Presented by Danné Montague-King himself, DMK Australia’s dedication to education has gained them international recognition, and impacted their sales over the past year.
Before presenting the sought after award to Debbie and Daniel Dickson, Montague-King announced to the room of competitive global DMK distributors, that the winner was “very deserving” and that this award was “a testamant of their dedication to continual education and high performance levels.”
DMK Australia’s CEO, Daniel Dickson, put their success down to a committed team.
“Our products are great, that’s a given, but our education programs as well as our sales, marketing and admin support is what really propels us forward.”
Director of education, Debbie Dickson said the brand’s dedicated therapists are its winning factor.
“We are very passionate about DMK, so it feels nice to be recognised for all of our hard work. DMK therapists put a lot of time into education and they really know skin and how to get the best results. They are brilliant at prescribing home care regimes, and put a lot of effort into this.”
“It’s not hard to sell something you truly believe in and are passionately driven by. We could not win this award without the highly professional and dedicated clinics and therapists Australia-wide who spread the DMK love.”