Renowned for their commitment to developing the best spray tan solutions with beauty and health in mind, Aviva Labs Inc have developed a comprehensive Virtual Learning Development (VLD) course for spray tan technicians, and it is available in Australia – the FIRST of its kind – through Aviva Labs Australasia.
In this digital age we live in, our schedules are constantly changing and Aviva have developed digital versions of all their courses to accommodate their clients. Those unable to join the Aviva Labs team at their Health & Wellness Academy in Massachusetts can now achieve the same learning at home.
“What’s so amazing about the VLD comprehensive course is that the technique is totally new and different – and we are so excited to introduce what is the first course of its kind in Australia,” says Michael Somic, Aviva Labs Australasia Director.
“Upon completing the Sunless 101 course, I was so impressed by the detail Aviva Labs has put into such a program and how easy their spray tan technique is to learn, compared to the way we have been teaching our clients in Australia. We are confident our clients will love it. It’s an achievement in the sunless tanning category education that we are committed to embrace – the Aviva Labs way of spray tanning!”
Sunless 101 is the first online course which teaches the basics that Aviva Inspires, the products, treatmenta and, most importantly, the techniques spray tan technicians need to get started in the spray tanning business.
You can also download and print out a workbook to make the course easier to follow.
Contact: Aviva Labs 1300 854 877