Managing like a Boss

Now is the chance to look forward and start planning a few business basics. Jeanette Galyer reveals how to set your goals for 2019 and stay ahead of the game.

When I think about my younger years, admittedly they are now a bit fuzzy, I don’t remember ever saying “I can’t believe how quickly the year has gone”.  But with life now hurtling by at a blistering pace I’m sure as you read this, you’ll be joining in me wondering exactly that!

This is the perfect time of year to take control of your business success. Here are just a few of the things I’ll be looking at in the year ahead.

Marketing matters 

Plan your 2019 marketing strategy for the year now.  Check your website – (I’m assuming you have one because if you’re not online in today’s world you’re not really in business). Here is a mini checklist to make sure you are up to date.

Is all the information current?

Are there spelling errors? – I always get a little twitch when I see what is an otherwise beautifully designed website with text errors.

Have any of the prices changed for your products and services?

Can your clients book online?

Do you have a click and collect service? There is little point spending time and money directing potential clients to an outdated website.

Get Social

Plan your social media campaign – how often will you post, what will you post, how many of those posts will you boost?  Prepare posts now to be used at a later date when either business is slow and you need a boost, or you’re too busy to write a post but need to maintain a regular schedule.

The Green revolution continues

Climate change continues to be a hot topic, and consumers are more aware than ever of their impact on the environment.  While our clients are happy to embrace technology in our treatments, increasingly they are reverting to natural, sustainable ingredients in the products we use.  With the Internet always on hand (or switched to silent in their bag during the treatment), clients have access to far more information about ingredients and their origins than ever before.  Vegan products were originally thought to be niche market, but this is now a fast-growing sector which will only continue to increase.

Now is the perfect time to consider the products you use, and retail products you stock.  What are the ingredients, are they sustainable; is the product produced ethically; are they recognised as cruelty-free; is the packaging recyclable; is there excessive packaging? Don’t forget your clients will be googling this.

Injectables intelligence

It is unlikely that the media coverage concerning Australia’s first case of blindness due to injectables will deter many new or existing clients from continuing to have these treatments.  What we can expect is that clients will become far more discerning in who they choose to provide this service.  Customer testimonials will have a far greater impact when new clients are choosing who to trust.  If you don’t already collect testimonials, now is the time to start!  Check online for existing reviews and see all the options available to you.  We can also expect far greater scrutiny from regulators concerning the provision of treatments, as well as the introduction of new regulations.

Training Package update

The Training Package for the beauty industry is in the process of being updated.  Training Packages are generally reviewed at least every five years to ensure they are keeping pace with new technology and current industry practices.  In addition to reviewing the current qualifications and units of competency, two new qualifications have been proposed to cover skills where new and additional training needs have been identified.  A new, stand-alone qualification in Cosmetic Tattooing is being considered, with additional content to cover microblading, feathering, use of products and treatment of adverse effects.  There will also be a completely new qualification to cover skin rejuvenation treatments.  This new qualification will cover treatments not included in the current SHB training package such as skin needling to 1mm, chemical peels, LED, and IPL and laser for skin rejuvenation.

Taking part in this review allows you to have a say in what the new generation of beauty therapists will be trained in.  There will be two rounds of national industry consultation, with the first round commencing in the coming months.  The draft Training Package Products will be available for public comment via SkillsIQ Feedback Forum.  SkillsIQ will also be conducting national workshops and webinars.  The best way to get involved and stay up to date is to sign up with SkillsIQ to receive updates ( ). The project is anticipated for submission in late 2019.  It’s important to make sure you are aware of any changes that are occurring to keep yourself and staff ahead of the game.

Business necessities 

The time-consuming, mundane basics of running a business. Check out your compliance with awards.  Anecdotal evidence suggests as many as 47 oe percent of small businesses aren’t paying their employees correctly. Another of the boring but always constant facts of life when running a business is account and record keeping.  The Australian Taxation Office recently received additional funding to investigate areas of non-compliance and fraudulent claims.  The most common errors made by small business and sole traders relates to unsubstantiated expense claims, and not reporting cash income. Check with your accountant on what is and isn’t claimable.

Jeanette Galyer is the sales and marketing director of Eckstein Australia Real Skin Care , the importers and distributors of Doctor Eckstein BioKosmetik range in Australia and New Zealand.

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