5 Minutes With… ESK’s Dr Ginni Mansberg

ESK Skincare founder Dr Ginni Mansberg reveals her road to success to Anita Quade and a few of her favourite things.

I founded ESK Skincare because…

“Back in 2012, I was frequently appearing on TV segments discussing the latest developments in anti-ageing skincare. I would analyse studies and talk about ingredients. Then I’d be inundated with emails from viewers asking me for brand recommendations. The issue was that I couldn’t find any products that contained the latest evidence-based ingredients, despite some companies making outrageous claims. At the same time I was battling hormonal acne and rosacea. Not fun to manage under all that TV makeup- and then getting the makeup off – OUCH!!

I discussed this problem with my husband, Daniel, and we decided to create our own skincare range. We spoke with plastic surgeons, dermatologists, and scientists to come up with a range of products based solely on the best available scientific evidence. There are only a few evidence-based ingredients out there and we wanted to make use of those to make skincare which genuinely worked.

Initially, we only sold our products through private label in specialist doctors’ surgeries, but in 2017, we expanded our range and launched our own brand, EVIDENCE SKINCARE, or ESK. Throughout the entire process, we remained committed to the original principles that inspired us to embark on this journey in the first place; Evidence, efficacy and Integrity. That original concept was to provide effective evidence-based products that simply work – and we’ve done that!”

I wish I had known this before starting out…

“Everyone claims science is on their side. Explaining what scientists consider as evidence (published independent – AKA not industry sponsored – placebo controlled prospective trials in peer reviewed medical journals) to people is so hard. Other brands consider a study of 4 mice, or a “study” of 24 of their friends that would never be published in a journal “science”. I beg to differ. I could be indignant. Instead I just keep my moral compass focused on due North and make sure I can always back up our claims with trusted data sources.”

The best piece of skincare advice that has been given to me…

“For all the ingredient hype out there, the single best thing you can do for your skin is use a super gentle zinc based sunscreen with Broad spectrum protection against UVA for Ageing and B for Burning rays 365 days a year from sunrise to sunset.”

If I could take one skincare product to a desert island it would be…

“Sunscreen again. Desert islands are known for harsh sun, right? If I was stuck in a bougie hotel I’d take a retinal night cream like ESK’s Ultimate A. Retinal is the gentlest yet most effective form of the skin’s cosmeceutical blockbuster, Vitamin A and is the blockbuster ingredient for practically any skin condition.”

If I wasn’t in this industry you would find me…

“Well I am already a practicing doctor, an author, a speaker, a podcast host, a TV presenter, and I run another business providing menopause workplace solutions – check out dontsweatit.com.au . Oh, I also teach at University (medicine) and do consulting – and sit on three boards. Not sure I have bandwidth for anything else at all.”

I would tell my younger self this…

“Your parents aren’t out to get you. They desperately want you to be happy. One day they won’t be there anymore. Don’t miss an opportunity to spend time with them and to tell them how much you love them.”

In my downtime I love…

“Walking my dogs, then walking holidays.”

My plans for this year include…

“Our eldest son gets married in New York in September and we’ll be spending more time in the UK for ESK again. The updated version of my book, The M Word – How to Thrive in Menopause comes out soon and I hope for further amazing growth for Evidence Skincare.”

My proudest moment to date is…

“Giving birth to the three most impressive humans on this planet. Still can’t believe what we did there.”

This article originally appeared in the Autumn 2024 print issue of Professional Beauty.

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