Brow expert Jazz Pampling on the secret to A+ arches

Jazz Pampling is a Sydney-based brow expert and educator who has worked the arches of Paula Abdul, Naomi Watts and Jessica Mauboy to name a few. She’s gained a respected reputation for her flawless, contemporary brow designs and amassed a loyal celebrity following and cutting-edge catwalk portfolio.  She’ll be sharing her expertise with beauty professionals during three education sessions at Beauty Expo Melbourne in March.

In your opinion, what are the most common misconceptions people have about getting their brows professionally shaped and/or tinted?

“I find many new clients worry about their brows being shaped too thin and dyed too dark. This is usually a result of previous experience. It is important in my job to listen and understand a client’s concerns. Communication is key.”

What do you foresee as being the biggest brow trend/s this year?

“I think brow tattooing / feathering / micro-blading (it has a few different names) will continue to grow in popularity. It was a fast-growing trend through 2016.”

In your experience, what do beauty professionals tend to find challenging when it comes to creating the perfect brow?

“I think the biggest challenge we all face as brow artists is brows that have been so badly damaged from years of over-tweezing/-waxing – clients who want a brow like Kim Kardashian, but their brow simply will never be capable of that. We can only work with what is in front of us; some brows will never recover from the ‘90s.”

You’ll be taking a men’s brow session at Beauty Expo Melbourne – what is the current demand for grooming men’s brows? Are there any challenges (perceived or literal) associated with grooming men’s brows compared to women’s brows?

“Men’s grooming is a growing market and should really be considered by more salons. The trick to men’s brow shaping is simple – it should look like I never touched it, and appear as though they woke up looking perfect without ever having tried. Whereas with women we create more obvious definition, men want to look untouched. I’ll explain how to achieve this in my one-hour seminar at this year’s Beauty Expo Melbourne.”

What are the main skills that attendees will take away from attending one of your education sessions at Beauty Expo Melbourne?

“My goal for all attendees is to see beyond the brow, and remember we are shaping a brow to suit the face. I hope to give people the tools to create their clients’ ideal brow shape, whatever that may be. There is more than one way to shape brows. With the tips and tricks I share, attendees can see the brow in a new way, or perhaps the same but with a new skill set to achieve greater results, which equals happy clients.”

Jazz will hold two Look ‘n’ Learn sessions and one workshop for beauty industry professionals at Beauty Expo Melbourne, Victoria’s premium boutique beauty trade show, which takes place at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC), 25-26 March 2017. Scheduling, pricing and ticketing information can be found on the Beauty Expo website.



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