Kim Tran from La Belle Peau Skincare Clinic in WA has just won the WA Telstra Young Business Woman Award. Professional Beauty talks shop with the savvy, young business woman. (Prepared to be inspired.)

What made you decide to start La Belle Peau Skincare Clinic?
Having suffered from severe acne at a very young age, it had always been my dream to provide a place where anyone with skin problems can seek help.
What does La Belle Peau Skincare Clinic offer its clients that has made it such as success?
La Belle Peau offers real solutions and real visible results.
What types of clientele come through your doors at La Belle Peau Skincare Clinic?
Having quite a diverse team, La Belle Peau’s clients come from all backgrounds. We specialise in all skin conditions; for that reason our clientele ranges from teenagers seeking help for their acne, to mature clients looking to turn back the clock.
You have just been awarded the WA Telstra Young Business Woman Award 2015. What does this mean to you?
This means a world full of opportunities has just opened up for me. Not only for my business ventures but also for my community and for the Hands for Hope Charity which I am a board member.

How do you think awards like this help beauty businesses like yours?
Telstra Business Women’s Awards is the longest running award program in Australia and the most prestigious and respected. It has given me and my business the credentials to reach out further and achieve so much in a very short period of time.
What has been one of your biggest business challenges?
The biggest business challenge I faced was trying to build a clientele from nothing. As you can imagine, a young girl at the age of 19, how hard it was to convince others to trust me with their face and body!
What’s the best beauty business tip you have ever been given?
Surround yourself with capable people who believe in your vision. Once you’ve formed a strong team, step back and work on the business.
What are your three best tips for other beauty professionals out there thinking of starting their own business?
One, you must be ready to work the hardest you’ve ever worked. Two, build a strong network of support. And three, love what you do.
Have your say: What do you think of young business women like Kim Tran kicking such amazing beauty business goals?