Update Regarding Claims Made Against Xali Organics

On 30 May 2024, Professional Beauty published an article containing unproven allegations that lash serums sold by Xali Organics were contaminated with a dangerous fungal organism.

Xali Organics vehemently denies those allegations. It considers them false and defamatory.

Professional Beauty accepts that:

the allegations were first publicised by a competitor of Xali Organics;

Xali Organics has arranged independent laboratory testing of its lash serums, which has found no contamination; and

Xali Organics has never been directed by any regulatory authority to remove its products from sale.

Professional Beauty did not intend to suggest that these allegations had been substantiated or that there was any risk to purchasers or users of Xali Organics’ lash serums. Professional Beauty has withdrawn the article and has agreed not to republish it in the future.

Professional Beauty sincerely apologises for any hurt or harm that its publication may have caused to Xali Organics and its directors Kasey and Michael Giarratana.

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