Sell more products

While the treatments on offer in your salon are your bigger money-makers, moving products off the shelves can significantly add to your bottom line.

According to a recent survey by market research firm Nielsen, the percentage of revenue the average salon makes from retail products is around 5 per cent. And yet, the skincare industry in Australia is valued at $2,338 million, with an expected annual growth of 3.5 per cent. With that in mind, it makes sense that salons and spas should be shifting more product to customers. So how can you up your retail sales?

Set team goals
If your team has a sales target, they’re likely to have a clearer view of what they’re working towards. By making it a team effort, members will feel accountable to pull their weight and meet their personal goals within the team target.

Offer reward
Whether it’s through compensation, prizes or recognition, staff are more likely to work harder if there’s a reward on the cards. “Having a tiered rewards system, where people are incentivised in relation to their personal targets, allows for a fairer spread of reward, rather than seeing the same people rewarded over and over again, which can be demotivating for other staff,” says Thomas Steanburh from the Harvard Business Review.

Train staff appropriately
There’s nothing more off-putting – for customers and staff alike – than the blatant upsell attempt. Take the time to train your staff in the appropriate ways to pitch products to clients, such as asking them if they’re happy with their current products, and whether they would like information on any new ones. “Your customers go home happy when you sell them a product that will keep them looking on point while they’re away, and in five minutes you can make a nice profit,” says marketing expert, Sara Flutley.

Place products at eye level
Positioning your retail products behind the counter, in a locked cabinet, or up high, suggests they’re out of reach both physically and metaphorically. Let customers pick them up, read them, and really inspect them. 

Shout about your products
Not our in the street, but on social media. Use your caption space to really educate the audience about why a product is so brilliant, when used in conjunction with a treatment at your salon. And if you happen to be an exclusive retailer of the product, make it known!

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