2024’s Top Tech Trends with Renee Ellis, Medical Aesthetic Equipment Specialist at The Global Beauty Group

We sat down with medi-aesthetic specialist and cosmetic industry veteran Renee Ellis to discuss the latest trends in the medical technology space, and why more clinics and practices are taking advantage of the boom in cosmetic services from qualified medical practitioners.

Renee, with her extensive background in Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics, and Advanced Wound Care, brings over 15 years of experience in supporting businesses to thrive in the medical device industry. She is passionate about connecting practitioners with the latest technological advancements to enhance their ability to deliver superior clinical outcomes for their patients.

Embracing the Cosmetic Services Boom

In 2024, the cosmetic services industry is experiencing an unprecedented boom with a predicted compound annual growth rate of 14.9%. This boom has been driven by advancements in technology, along with shifting societal norms towards self-care and personal enhancement. When asked to shed light on the exciting trends shaping this burgeoning sector, Renee observes “consumer drive to look and feel our best has never been higher. Non-surgical cosmetic services have rapidly exploded over the past 24 months to an all-time high – as has the revenue potential for forward-thinking clinics taking advantages of shifting consumer demands”.

But where is demand coming from? According to Renee, “social media is playing a role with ‘beauty filter culture’ altering expectations for real life aesthetics. We’re also seeing a shift with the ‘skinminimalism’ and ‘clean beauty’ movements towards technology enhanced results that make looking good feel effortless; think naturally glowing, rejuvenated skin replacing contoured makeup and RF tightened abdomens replacing shapewear”.

Another factor Renee attributes this remarkable surge in growth to are technological advancements that offer “quick, yet impactful treatments with minimal downtime”, underscoring a pivot towards treatment solutions tailored to the modern patient’s desire for efficiency and effectiveness.

“The technology today”, Renee emphasises, “is safer, more effective, and less invasive for clients than ever before. Leveraging cutting-edge equipment and techniques, practitioners can deliver impressive results while minimising both recovery time and discomfort for their patients”.

With minimal downtime and impressive results, these non-surgical alternatives are attracting a diverse clientele eager to enhance their appearance without resorting to undergoing more invasive procedures.

Comprehensive Support for Success

Renee champions wholesale salon supplier The Global Beauty Group’s role in equipping clinics with cutting-edge technology, however for medical professionals looking to succeed, industry-leading devices are just the start. Underlining the necessity of a support system, Renee stresses, “it’s not just about the technology – training and ongoing clinical and technical support is vital when launching non-surgical treatments into clinics. As is the case for a lot of business owners, they won’t necessarily be conducting all of the treatments themselves, so it’s essential that all team members have access to a reliable partner to answer any questions that come up during a procedure.

Along with medical-grade industry certifications (including ARTG listing by the TGA, Medical CE certification plus ISO Standard), Renee loves that The Global Beauty Group Australian-owned range of technology delivers forward-thinking treatment innovations and unrivalled clinical results, backed by award-winning education, marketing and service support. “Rapid response technical and clinical support, available 7 days a week from The Global Beauty Group, is essential to ensuring you and your team can treat with confidence. Comprehensive marketing resources, along with both online and face-to-face education programs, ensure businesses of all levels experience the best the industry has to offer and are set up to succeed with their new technology”.

Technological Advancements in Medi-Aesthetics

When discussing the latest trends in the industry, Renee says “we have definitely seen increased demand for quick, non-surgical body contouring solutions that medical-grade fat reduction machines such as the Reborn and Thuzzle deliver, as they utilise Power LED and RF to offer a safer form of non-invasive fat reduction when compared to other technology on the market such as such as cryolipolysis”.

Developed by Israeli based LightFective, the award-winning ReBorn device is a personal favourite of Renee’s, showcasing innovative, forward-thinking engineering and delivering clinically proven, medical-grade, permanent non-surgical fat reduction. As a safer alternative to cyrolipolysis, the ReBorn uses innovative Power LED technology to provide cutting edge treatment results for patients and practitioners alike. “Thanks to this new type of light source, which is hundreds of times more powerful than normal LED’s the ReBorn can emit power of up to 200w to achieve optimal and more even and homogenous heat absorption when targeting fat cells. This, coupled along with the largest treatment applicators on the market, ensure consistent energy distibrution for unrivalled clinical results.”

Renee also notes, “ReBorn is unique in that provides clinics a quick, hands-off treatment with no consumables and is able to achieve targeted reduction of both adipose tissue and fat cells for a safe, easy and comfortable results-driven alternative to liposuction”.

Meanwhile, the Italian engineered Thuzzle tops Renee’s list for treatment versatility, offering forward-thinking business owners the ability to deliver medi-aesthetics highest revenue and most in-demand services with 4 innovative treatment applications in one machine. “Thuzzle offers clinics a competitive advantage by targeting both the face and body, and also combining lipolysis targeted fat-reduction with radio frequency skin tightening modalities including skin retraction and neocollagenesis plus skin resurfacing and lifting”.

Highlighting the unique features that Thuzzle brings to the table, Renee emphasises, “What sets this technology apart is its versatilty”. Thanks to treatment-specific handpieces designed to precisely target areas of concern (including double chins and underarms), “Thuzzle is able to achieve outstanding results in a quarter of the time compared to traditional ultrasound treatments”. In an industry-first, Thuzzle treatments utilise 4 Radio Frequency (RF) wavelengths of energy interlinked and controlled at 4 different depths to induce the most effective heat field possible for high-performance, superior treatment results.

Spotlight on Industry Trends and Opportunities

When asked if she thought there were any missed opportunities for medical practitioners focusing on delivering cosmetic and aesthetic treatments currently, Renee said “recent data has showed that surgical procedures were down by 12% while aesthetic procedures showed a remarkable 14% increase in total, largely attributed to the soaring popularity of nonsurgical procedures, which jumped 23% in the past year”.

Meanwhile, the global aesthetic medicine market size was valued at a whopping USD 127.11 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.9% from 2024 to 2030 with the Asia Pacific market anticipated to register the highest growth during that time.

Driven by advancements in technology, an increasing consumer demand for minimally invasive cosmetic procedures, and a growing emphasis on self-care and personal well-being, Renee feels that “all of these factors, along with the significant growth that the medical aesthetics industry is poised for, allow for huge opportunities for businesses going forward”.

Challenges Facing the Industry

When asked about the challenges businesses can face, Renee believes that “due to the ever-growing and evolving medical aesthetic industry, it is vital for businesses to stay up to date on technology advancements in order to remain competitive”. Proper training is crucial for staff to operate medi-aesthetic equipment both safely and effectively, and business owners need to consider the level of support that comes with a new device to ensure their employees are both knowledgeable about the technology and its applications and can effectively market treatments to potential clientele.

How Medi-Aesthetic Technology Helps Businesses Stay Ahead

As for the advantages, incorporating medi-aesthetic technology gives a competitive edge to medical practices in today’s market thanks to the following:

  • Increased profits by performing high-revenue, in-demand services
  • Attraction of new customers thanks to fast, yet effective treatment outcomes with advanced, clinically backed technology
  • Ability to diversity revenue sources with nurses and dermal therapist practitioners performing the non-surgical work
  • Enhanced client satisfaction and loyalty
  • On-going repeat business and improved customer retention
  • Minimally invasive treatment options for clients of all ages with less down-time than traditional surgical interventions
  • Capacity to treat multiple areas of concern for both face and body

Navigating the Future of Medi-Aesthetic Practices

“The future is bright for clinics ready to invest in the latest technologies and support systems,” Renee concludes. With over 25 different types of technology available at The Global Beauty Group, Renee is thrilled to be able to offer clients a wide array of fast yet effective medical-grade treatment solutions and looks forward to helping match practitioners with the best possible technology for their business.

For clinics aiming to elevate their practice with the latest in medi-aesthetic technology, Renee offers a roadmap to success with tailored consultations to help practitioners confidently and successfully navigate the complexities of the ever-evolving landscape that is the medical aesthetics industry.

Are ready to take your business to the next level? Call 0451 430 032 to discuss your goals with Renee and let her guide you to the perfect technology for your business, or book your free in-person or video call consult here.

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