Manage your anxiety amid the Coronavirus pandemic

Even in good times, being a business owner is stressful. Throw in a global health pandemic, forced closures and economic uncertainty, and you’d be forgiven for having a full-blown anxiety attack.

Here’s how to keep your anxiety in check, amidst the ever-evolving COVID-19 situation.

Make peace with your new schedule
If you’re house-bound, you’re going to need to accept that your days are going to be different for a while. “A lace of structure in the face of uncertainty can cause you to feel more anxious,” says psychotherapist and author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do, Amy Morin. “Of an evening, sit down and create a schedule for the following day.” Ensure you include things that make you feel you’re being of service to your business, like focusing on your social media, and communicating with customers. But equally as important, schedule in a walk or a chat with a friend.

Put a cap on your media consumption
Having the TV news on loop in the background, or having a site with live updates on the Coronavirus constantly on your browser, is only going to light a fire under your anxiety, sending it to catastrophic levels. “It’s important to stay up to date, but consuming media all day isn’t necessary, or healthy,” says Amy. Schedule in some time to catch up on the news. And agree to avoid it outside of that time slot.

Keep active
Your regular gym has likely gone into lockdown, so it’s time to get creative with your exercise regime. Hit YouTube for some lounge-room-friendly sessions, go to a (not crowded) park for a run, or try some yoga stretches. Amy also says that while any exercise is good for you strength training is especially good for your state of mind. “Some studies have found that strength training is especially effective in reducing anxiety, so if you have dumbells, use them. Otherwise, use your body weight or resistance bands – this can build both your physical and mental muscles,” says Amy.

Name your feelings
Scared? Nervous? Angry? They’re all relevant and expected at times like this. But taking a moment to identify those feelings as they arise can also give you power to control them, and limit your anxiety. “Take a few minutes each day, and ask yourself how you’re feeling,”advises Amy. “Whatever you’re feeling, that’s ok. Acknowledging rather than fighting your feelings can help you move forward.”

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