The power of email

When is comes to allocating your marketing budget, it can be tempting to blow a load of cash on the all-singing, all-dancing activations. And in doing so, one of the most effective tools often gets overlooked: Email marketing.

It’s economical, effective and find your reader right where they’re bound to be lurking in their inbox.

It’s cheap
Sure, you can invest in graphics, animations and a stack of tracking software, but really, sending email marketing can be dirt cheap if you want it to be. “Given that there’s no cost-per-person price tag associated with emailing, your reach is only dictated by how many email addresses you have in your database,” says digital marketing expert Frances Wood. “And according to recent statistics, customer acquisition is close to 45 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter combined.”

It’s personal
Even the most basic of software allows you to personalise your email marketing, says Frances. “Simply having someone’s name int he subject line has a huge effect on opening rates,” says Frances. “For example, a subject line that says, ‘Here are the greatest treatments’ is never going too be as engaging as one that says, ‘Lisa, here are the treatments we know you’re going to love’. This function allows you to focus on retaining the customer base you already have, which is always easier – and less expensive – than trying to recruit new ones.”

You’re halfway there
The fact that a client ha signed up to your database suggests they have an interest in what you do. Now is your chance to encourage them to spend more. “Emailers can be customised, so that you may send a particular one to customers that book in for, say, waxing. That is the group you send the email to about a new 10-visit package you’re launching. It’s really important that you curate your making lists, because using the example of the waxing, that would be of zero interest to someone that has had permanent hair removal. And the fall-out from sending irrelevant material can be the decision to opt out of receiving your mail-outs,” says Frances. “Used properly, email is an effective tool to get your customers more educated about what you do and more willing to spend more money at your salon.”

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